Sunday, September 28, 2008

It happened again!

Just as Emma's hair was starting to look normal again, she cut her hair again!  Except this time she had an accomplice.  It's bad.  Really bad.  I just can't bear to post a picture of her.  She's always adorable, of course, but I miss her beautiful, perfectly-highlighted, side-swept, beachy locks.  She's going to be in Kindergarten by the time it looks normal again.  *Sigh*  

Mike was out-of-town and I was exhausted at the end of a very long week.  I put the kids in their respective rooms for a little "quiet time".  I retreated to my own room for a little quiet time myself.   Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.  Emma came into my room and woke me up to tell me something.  As I was staring at her through bleary eyes trying to understand what she was telling me, something looked amiss.  Then it hit me.  I screamed, "YOU CUT YOUR HAIR AGAIN!!" as I jumped out of my bed still half asleep.  She cried and cried and I put her in timeout where she actually fell asleep in a chair for a couple hours.  In the meantime, I found the hair in the trash, and I thought, hmmm, I just don't think Emma would know to hide her hair.  I asked Brayden if he had anything to do with it and at first he completely denied it.  But moments later he just couldn't take it anymore and admitted his guilt.  His defense was, "But Emma did it too!"

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Those little stinkers!